Q: Gwam nwa so gi ba n'ohia ma o soghi gi puta (Nsi)
Translation: Tell me the child who went with you to the bush but didn't come out with you (faeces)
Q: Gwam onye n'eti nwata ihe n'ihu nne ya (Aguu)
Translation: Tell me who beats a child before his/her mother's eyes (Hunger)
Q: Gwam onye jiri ikpere gazuo ubi nna gi (Ọgụ)
Translation: Tell me who went round your father's farm with his knees (Hoe)
Q: Gwam anu akpu n'onu ma erighi eri (ire)
Translation: Tell me the meat put in the mouth but not eaten (tongue)
Q: Gwam nwata gba oto je ubi we mara akwa lota (oka)
Translation: Tell me the child that went to the farm naked and came back with clothes (corn)
Q: Gwam o biawa o maa mma, ma o lawa ojoo njo (mmadu)
Translation: Tell me who comes to the world beautiful and goes back ugly (human being)
Ndewo nwanne m nwanyi. Ndị a bụ ilu ilu ọdịnala?